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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Deliver Us From Evil

There are so many temptations to draw you away from your goals and ambitions today in life.  Even simple things that you may not even realize can pull your attention away from achieving your dreams.  From drugs to sex to video game addiction, it's amazing of how many things the world throws at you to test your mental and emotional strength.  I pity the poor idiots I see at school that think it's okay to smoke weed and not care about their school work.  And then think it's fine and dandy to tease the ones that actually do care.  But it's okay.  You'll be working for me one day. :)

I'm Just Saying.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah at the time they may think it seems like the fun thing...... later on when life is REALLY hard and they struggle they will look back and see things really differently if they have any brain cells left.
