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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Love Has No Gender

It has come to my attention that a local lesbian has recently died in the state of which I live.  I do not know this woman, so it did not exactly concern me.  When it did become my problem was when I found out that some close-minded idiots are protesting her burial in the local cemetery because they do not think that someone who lived their life "in sin" should be buried in such a holy place.  My exact words when I found out: "Are you kidding me?"  I can understand that some people do not find being gay okay.  But when you are so ignorant as to go so far as to say that their bodies are not worthy enough to lie six feet under next to our loved ones, that's when I fail to comprehend.  Why should love only be kept between a man and a woman?  Who is to say that a man can not love a man as much as a woman can?  It's complete ignorance!  Nothing but!  I feel very strongly about this.  As much as to say that I have made the decision to get a tattoo on my body somewhere sometime in my life that reads "Love Has No Gender".  I know pleanty who say they will do the same.  Power to the gays. :)  Love has no gender, color, nor age. <3


  1. lolz tht is so true n i still think we should have a grave yard for none strait people lolz so they can be like "ha u cant be burried here unless ur not straight" lolz n ill sooo get tht as a tat one day

  2. How very proud and honored I am to be related to you! I too came to this realization at a very young age. It is mind blowing to me that so many people never realize that we ALL have one thing in common.... we are ALL human beings. That is why it is important to fight for human rights and equality for all regardless of sexual orientation, race, religion, handicap or any other discerning characteristic.

    I get disgusted when any funeral is protested regardless of the reason why. I had a discussion earlier this week with someone that even if the funeral was for a serial killer that person is someone else's father, son, brother, mother, daughter, sister, niece, nephew, etc. The person being buried is someones loved one. The funeral is the memorial of their life no matter how any one else views it. Regardless of their, "freedom of speech" in my opinion a funeral service is not the place to express it.

    "I'm beautiful in my way
    Cause God makes no mistakes
    I'm on the right track
    Baby I was born this way."~GaGa
