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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A New Year means a "new year"!

So Christmas break is almost over. The new year is almost here and people are thinking about what their new year resolutions will be. Most will be to lose weight or be a nicer person. And a lot won't stick to their resolution. If you're going to even have one, let's stick to it or just not have one at all. Because all you're doing is setting yourself up for disaster. Pick something you know you will follow through with. For example, mine is to not make any D's or F's all junior year. I'm halfway there! Happy almost 2011! Keep reading.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

It came without packages, boxes, or bags...

So the other day, my younger brother and me decided to extend our Christmas spirit a bit further than staring at the tree.  I wiped the dust from my How The Grinch Stole Christmas DVD and popped it in.  And you know, not only is it a great movie, but there's an obvious message that I think everyone needs to hear around the time of the upcoming holidays.  Even if you don't get EVERYTHING or ANYTHING that you wanted for Christmas, it'll still be a very Merry Christmas.  The real gift is the fact that you have your family and your health and a roof over your head.  Well clearly you're not doing too poorly if your setting at home reading this blog on the internet.  So just be thankful for what you've already been given.  Christmas will come without ribbons, it will come without tags.  It'll come without packages, boxes, or bags.  :)

Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Just Dance

"keep it cool
what's the name of this club
i can't remember
but it's alright, al-alright
Just dance"
--Lady GaGa "Just Dance"

If you really listen, there's more to Lady GaGa's songs than just catchy lyrics and a good beat.  What she's really saying in her hit song "Just Dance" is: when things get tough, don't stress it.  Take time to sit back and let it all go.  For just a little while, forget there even is troubles in your life.  For just a split moment, wipe off that Poker Face. (okay, now I'm just being cheesy.)  You don't always have to be so serious.  Advice straight from the queen of pop.  Just Dance. :)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

A World Without Music...

Imagine if music did not exist.  There would be no dancing.  What would we dance to?  Everyone would be just about the same since most styles are heavily influenced by what music they listen to.  There would be no instruments.  No soothing melodies on the piano, no epic shredding on the guitar.  To just say that the world would be a lot less colorful is an understatement.  There could possibly be a lot more anger due to the fact that a lot of people play or listen to music to relieve stress or anger.  Me, for example.  When I'm steaming, i like to crank my ipod all the way up and jam to some Otep or Bullet.  Music also is inspiration.  Where do you think I get most of my ideas on what to draw?  The greatest leaders of music history!  We would never even know their names.  Can you imagine a world where no one knew Elvis Presley?  Or Bob Marley?  A world without music would be a world without individuality.  It would be a world without joy, a world without expression.  A world without happiness.  Thank God for music.<3

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Anything you can do, I can do better...

Anyone ever heard of Otep?
Anyone? Anyone?
Well heard of them or not, there's one thing that you should know about this magnificent collection of artiststhey're my favorite band.  Why, you ask?  Two reasons: their music, of course.

And their message.

Otep is a political/metal band.
Only the lead singer is a girl. :)

Otep Shamaya is the lead singer of Otep.
She is living, walking, air-breathing truth that women are just as badass and hardcore as men.  We can rock just as hard as you, guys, if not harder.  And while showing you up in the BAMF department, she also has the spine and confidence to write and sing songs echoing her chilling past of rape, abuse, and low self esteem.  Which just symbolizes that women can do anything that men can do.  Anything.

I am woman.
Hear me roar. >:3

Friday, December 17, 2010

Blows my Mind...

Every once in a while, I'll have these moments of awe. And usually, it's over thinking about how complicated life is. I mean, we see from our eyes by taking in pictures and that sends little messages to our brain and our brains tell us what we are seeing. How crazy is that! And complex. And there are so many questions like: why do we have ten fingers and ten toes? Why do we sneeze? It just blows my mind sometimes. And to think that one day, we'll all be dead. I know that's blunt, but it's true. Everything dies. But what's it going to be like when we're gone? What are our great great great grandchildren going to be like? Will they know about me? Will there be flying cars and hologram projector phones and robots? Will they be able to bring me back to life with their advanced technology? And it's funny to think about that we hear the music that our parents listened to when they were teenagers and we think "God, they're old." But when my generation grows up and has kids, and they listen to the music we listen to, our kids will say the same thing. Crazy to think about, huh?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Deliver Us From Evil

There are so many temptations to draw you away from your goals and ambitions today in life.  Even simple things that you may not even realize can pull your attention away from achieving your dreams.  From drugs to sex to video game addiction, it's amazing of how many things the world throws at you to test your mental and emotional strength.  I pity the poor idiots I see at school that think it's okay to smoke weed and not care about their school work.  And then think it's fine and dandy to tease the ones that actually do care.  But it's okay.  You'll be working for me one day. :)

I'm Just Saying.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

"Like OMG, Becky"

There is something i happened to notice (again) today.  Why is it when someone dresses uniquely, they get ridiculed?  But when certain girls dress like (to put it simply) whores, nothing is said to them.  Just because I'm not on the cheerleading team, does not make me any less of value to you, honey.  I decided to wear my combat boots today over a pair of skinny jeans.  It was cold and there was snow on the ground, so it seemed like a good plan.  But when I got to school, I might as well have been wearing a clown costume.  One girl in particular during lunch actually pointed at me and made a face to one of her friends--oh, wait.  Wait for it.--While wearing a skirt that barely covered her arse!  Yeah, and nothing was said to her.  Last time I checked, it was skirts to the knees.  But it's okay.  Her Mama's rich and her Daddy's the owner of some big company, and she's on the cheerleading team or whatever.  It didn't bother me one bit that she has nothing better to do than gawk at me.  At least I have the guts to skip to my own beat and don't feel the need to dress like I should be standing on a corner to get other people's attention.  I'm Just Saying. :]

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Love Has No Gender

It has come to my attention that a local lesbian has recently died in the state of which I live.  I do not know this woman, so it did not exactly concern me.  When it did become my problem was when I found out that some close-minded idiots are protesting her burial in the local cemetery because they do not think that someone who lived their life "in sin" should be buried in such a holy place.  My exact words when I found out: "Are you kidding me?"  I can understand that some people do not find being gay okay.  But when you are so ignorant as to go so far as to say that their bodies are not worthy enough to lie six feet under next to our loved ones, that's when I fail to comprehend.  Why should love only be kept between a man and a woman?  Who is to say that a man can not love a man as much as a woman can?  It's complete ignorance!  Nothing but!  I feel very strongly about this.  As much as to say that I have made the decision to get a tattoo on my body somewhere sometime in my life that reads "Love Has No Gender".  I know pleanty who say they will do the same.  Power to the gays. :)  Love has no gender, color, nor age. <3

Monday, December 13, 2010


i am probably the most open-minded person you will ever meet.  i support the gays, i believe in ghosts, i even believe everyone should be able to participate in whatever religious practices they please (even though i'm a Christian.)  but for some reason, the idea of aliens just doesn't appeal to me.  is it really so hard to think that we are the only living beings in this galaxy?  i don't know, it just seems too cliche to think that there are little green men with huge black eyes flying around at hyperspeed in a saucer.  but you know, that's just me.  i don't know anyone else that does not believe in aliens.  post a comment, leave an opinion.  please, i'm a curious little bugger when it comes to hearing what you have to say.